Saturday, February 28, 2015

Welcome to Real Answers-Real Life Online Symposium!

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The Buttons at the top all take you to pages designed to answer your questions.
Our Mission Statement, How to Ask our Panel A Question, Our Real Life Spotlights.
It's all there-- for your viewing pleasure!

As you read through the Panel Biographies found in the Real Life Spotlights, 
It is our prayer that you will get a sense of the Real Lives we have all lived--
And the victorious life in the Lord we have all been able to maintain in the midst of it all.

Our goal is to be available to answer your questions about Real Life in this Whatever World!

We look forward to fielding your questions so please check out the email address and send one!
 Together--we can Build a Real Relationship with Jesus Christ that will help you live your Life!

Our Prayer is that you will grow closer to the Lord and rely on HIM to become the father, husband, son, brother, friend who lives by example and displays a godly life that makes Jesus proud!

We are here for you-- Please put us to the Test!

Send us a question-- Email us today!

God Bless each of you!

The Bible says "IF I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me!"

Jesus Christ is your Answer for Our World Today!

In His Service...

Real Answer-Real Life Online Symposium Panel 

Real Life Spotlight - Michael Leiss

                             Michael Leiss
Preferred Name to be Listed as and State or Country you live in
ANSWER:  Michael, Indiana


When you accepted Christ as your Savior:

Years in and areas of active ministry, past and present
ANSWER:  I have been involved in Christian music since I was 19, participating in a worship team since I was 20, and I still do.

Favorite scripture and why?
ANSWER:  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  I am so blessed to have a wife who shares my love for the Lord.  A divided house cannot stand, a united house cannot be defeated.  Serving the Lord entails serving others, too.  This relationship has given me a peace that has helped me through many situations that could have been devastating, but I know that I can TRUST the Lord!

Your Wake Up Call to your Generation:
ANSWER:  My generation is starting to move into retirement.  With huge life changes pending, it is critical to maintain a close relationship with the Lord.  Life can pull you away from the Lord.  A serving life will be a fulfilled life.

Three things we’d be surprised to know about you
ANSWER:  I moved from Florida to Indiana- and LOVE it! 
I became unemployed twice in two years.
Since I gave my heart to the Lord, I have never doubted or turned back from Him.

What are your hobbies outside of ministry?
ANSWER:  I enjoy home repair and improvement.
Love my dogs!
I have very little interest in sports.

List some of your past achievements and current projects that you are working on: 
ANSWER:  I have been in the music ministry since 1972- several groups and I have served on worship teams continually through the present.  I occasionally lead worship at a nursing home and a boys home. 

Share your experience in marriage, as the head of your home:
ANSWER:  We celebrated our 40th anniversary this year.  Since we both committed our lives to the Lord before we were married, we bypassed many of the pitfalls common to marriages.  The most significant hurdle we faced was when I misinterpreted my role as “head of the home”.  After I realized that the scripture did not make me my wife’s boss, things were good again.  Love your wife and she will give the respect that you need.  Show her your love- don’t assume that it is a given.  If there are in-law conflicts, support your wife- the bible admonishes us to leave our parents and cleave to our spouse. 

What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this Real Life Symposium?
ANSWER:  I hope that others will learn from those who have gone the distance and avoid problems that we learned to overcome.  Being a man of God is a lifestyle, not just a Sunday thing.

What does your relationship with Jesus mean to you? 
ANSWER:  Jesus literally changed my life’s direction and he has given me a peace that others will never know.  Being able to trust Him gives me the assurance that although I can be concerned about events in my life, the events don’t control me- my destiny is God’s hand. 
I remember how surprised I was when I realized that fear had left me.  Very comforting…
What bad things happen- health, financial, employment, relationships- the peace can kick in because I know that before the event happened, Jesus knew about it.  He cares about me and will help me get through anything.  Sometimes even the tough times are used to shape me.  No matter what, I can know that things will be OK. 
Decisions need to be made before we are challenged.  For example- we do not go to “R” rated movies (a few exceptions like Schindler’s List).  I will NOT participate in pornography.  I refuse to use foul language.  I will not entertain ANY advances from any woman.  When you lock these kind of decisions in your heart (because they are the RGHT thing to do), when the temptation comes, it is not an issue- you already know that it is out of bounds.

What area have your struggled with most in your walk with Christ?
ANSWER:  My biggest ongoing struggle is my prayer life.  I know that I don’t pray enough and have always wrestled with it.  I read the Word daily, but my prayer life is lacking.  Still working on this…

What message of hope would you like to share with our reader
ANSWER:  NOTHING is more important than your relationship with the Lord!  When you are in proper relationship with Him, everything else seems to fall into place.  Outside of him, there is only chaos. 

If you had a theme life motto, what would it be and why?
ANSWER:  It is so important to make Jesus LORD of your life, not just your savior.  Allow the Holy Spirit to help lead you in all of your day to day activities. 

Real Life Spotlight - Craig Burns

                                                           Craig Burns

In February of 2004, after a lymph node and bone marrow biopsy, I received a diagnosis of a stage four cancer. The diagnoses reported I had indolent, low grade, B cell Lymphoma with a ten percent aggregate in my marrow. This means that there is cancer in multiple parts of my body, above and below the diaphragm as well as in the bone marrow. At that time, it also meant that it is not curable, though treatable.
At the same season of life, I had moved from a 10K level to a marathon level of running, as a means to raise awareness and mission funds for Project Rescue. Under my health care teams’ watchful eye, I progressed to the 50-mile level, completing the three ultras in 2007 called, the Lynchburg Ultra Series. Two 50K’s and a 50 Miler named, the 50 Mile Mountain Masochist that ran from the James River Visitor Center to Montebello, Va. along the forest trails near the Blue Ridge Parkway. I journaled all the experiences in my first book, “Constant Forward Motion: The Running of the Lymphoma Ultra Series”.
In 2008, after more tests, it was determined the cancer had spread and to my disappointment I began R-Chop Chemotherapy in 2009. The 18 weeks of chemotherapy, weakened my bones to such a degree that I lost two inches of height, and tests revealed all my bones were deteriorating. I had multiple compression fractures in my vertebra and entered a season of a level 10 of 10 pain that lasted two years. I could not run, and only walk.
In 2011, I felt the Lord say to me, to “follow me back into ultra marathons”. So, I did, and finished three of the four ultra’s that year. Those series of stories are captured in my second book, “What Next?! One Powerful Question”.
I continue to run ultra’s as I continue the battle with cancer. A 2014 diagnosis of Cutaneous Lymphoma meant, more chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which concluded in the fall of 2014. By God’s grace, I was able to run a trail marathon, two 50K’s and a 40 miler in 2014.
Completed a Master’s program in 2013 with the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.
I serve as pastor of Vienna Assembly of God, in Vienna, Va. Married to Brenda L. Burns since 1978, with three children, and four grand children.

Real Life Spotlight - Charles Thornton

                                                          Charles Thornton
Preferred Name to be Listed as and State or Country you live in:
ANSWER: Pastor Charles Thornton; Florida, USA


When you accepted Christ as your Savior:
ANSWER:  First found Christ near the age of 8.  Married at the age of 18 and took a job that worked on weekends that prevented me from going to church.  That began a 20 year absence from church and subsequent slide away from God.  By His grace, He pursued me and called me back, restoring the pastoral call on my life.

Years in and areas of active ministry, past and present
ANSWER:  After returning to the Lord in 1990, I have served as a Deacon, Sunday School Teacher, as the Interim Head Deacon twice during periods of pastoral search, Local Missions Representative, lay Minister, Licensed Minister in the Church of God, Int., Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, Int., and as a Missionary Evangelist in the Church of God World Missions.

Favorite scripture and why?

Acts 10:38 "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him."
This is my favorite scripture because in one statement made by the Apostle Peter, he summed up Christ’s ministry on earth; and, in doing so he gives us the direction we need to take to continue Christ’s ministry on earth until Jesus returns again.

Your Wake Up Call to your Generation:
ANSWER: I represent the seniors and my wake up call to them is that our work is not done.  The generation following us is not yet prepared and their remains billions who have never heard of Christ.  The command to preach the Gospel to every nation has to be foremost in our thoughts and actions as long as breath remains in our body.

What are your hobbies outside of ministry?
ANSWER:  I am a sports fan – but keep it in its proper place.  My favorite sport is football. 

List some of your past achievements and current projects that you are working on: 
ANSWER:  Having been called to go on evangelistic missions trips for the past six years, we have seen the Lord add approximately 1,000 souls to His Kingdom.  Before all is said and done, we hope that figure will be small in comparison.

Share your experience in marriage, as the head of your home:
ANSWER:  My wife and I met in church and have been each other’s only mate, married for 48 years now.  Marriage is not always easy.  There has to be give and take on both sides.  Love and forgiveness will always have to be displayed.  Try to be a Godly man, following His instructions for husbands, and look for a Godly woman to be your mate.  That is key to a good long-lasting marriage.

What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this Real Life Symposium?
ANSWER:  Simply to share what I have learned in the hope that it can help someone to reach their full potential according to the plan God has for their life.

What does your relationship with Jesus mean to you? 
ANSWER:  Our relationship with Jesus is multi-faceted.  He is our Savior, Redeemer, Master, Brother, Great High Priest, Creator, and more.  But the one I cherish the very most is that of Friend.  In John 15:15, Jesus told the disciples, “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business.  Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”  The relation move from servant to friend would seem to be based on knowledge, experience, and obedience from this portion of scripture.  From a recent prophetic word, Jesus called me His friend.  That was truly special to me!

What area have your struggled with most in your walk with Christ
ANSWER: My weak areas are anger, resentment, revenge, and unforgiveness.  I constantly have to be on my guard against these and apply the Biblical instructions.

What message of hope would you like to share with our reader
ANSWER:  Trust God!  He has a plan for your life,  but you have to learn to follow His lead and trust that He has your best interest at heart, regardless of what your current circumstances look like.

If you had a theme life motto, what would it be and why?
ANSWER:  Have a great day and enjoy your walk with God.

Real Life Spotlight - Levester Jones

                                                        Levester Jones
Preferred Name to be Listed as and State or Country you live in:
ANSWER:  Pastor Levester Jones Jr.  a.k.a. Pastor L  from Tampa FL


When you accepted Christ as your Savior
ANSWER:  March 12, 1978

Years in and areas of active ministry, past and present
ANSWER:  35 years of active ministry … Children’s Ministry, Evangelism/Out-Reach, Youth Pastor, Interim Sunday School Superintendent, Interim Chair of Church Search Committee, Praise/Worship Team Musician, Advisory Board Member, Sunday School Teacher (Pre-Teen, Teen, Young Adults), Elder/Deacon Board Member, Young Adult Pastor, Altar/Prayer Team Director, Associate Pastor, and now Lead/Sr. Pastor  

Favorite scripture and why?
ANSWER:  Brother! My favorite scripture is from Genesis to Revelations; but if I must narrow it down, WHEW!  I am going to choose Psalms 119:105 … The Word speaks for itself … for it has been my guiding light, the anchor of my soul, the Rock of my salvation, my peace, my power, my provision, my protection, my providence, and my pardon …

Your Wake Up Call to your Generation
ANSWER: This generation … It has been said in basketball, that you will miss 100% of the shots that you NEVER take!  And so it is in The Kingdom … God owns the team, His Son manages it, and The Holy Spirit is coaching you and me … Everyday!  The Time is Now, This is the Hour to wake up, to Arise and Shine … It is YOUR TURN to take The Shot and Live with Christ!

Three things we’d be surprised to know about you
1.      from a family of 8 siblings, I have 7 sisters
2.      … I meet no strangers, as I am a Peoples Person …
3.      … Although I am serious about Kingdom business, I am a jokester at heart!

What are your hobbies outside of ministry?
ANSWER:  I love horses and horseback riding … most sports, and laughing and having fun!

List some of your past achievements and current projects that you are working on: 
ANSWER:  G.E.A.R. Ministries Inc. is a Non-For-Profit Organization with a mission to Restore Nations to Wholeness, By Building One Leader at a Time.  Current and continual emphasis is obviously on Leadership, but we will facilitate other Trainings and Humanitarian Projects.  I am currently establishing The Dwelling House (a recent Church Plant) …

Share your experience in marriage, as the head of your home
ANSWER:  Feb 18th 2015 will be my 26th Wedding Anniversary!  I think sometimes we as men forget that a marriage takes 3!  God, your spouseand then you; please note, you must consider yourself to be last in this Triangle:
                                          Wife                            Husband
1.      Communication, is the how and what you relate … It speaks of your commitment …
2.      Commitment, is the why … It Calls out to your Character …
3.      Character, is the when and where … It Completes you …

What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this Real Life Symposium
ANSWER:  One of my favorite commercials had the phrase, Fall Down 7 … Stand Up 8!  God has called us All to the Ministry of Reconciliation … This phrase is applicable spiritually, not that it gives us a license to willfully stumble and fall or commit sin; but if we should find ourselves in that place, let us be our brothers keeper … “… restore such a one, in the spirit of meekness; considering ourselves …” Galatians 6:1 … I echo the words in a question I once heard, and that is … “Did the brother fall, or was he dropped!?” … I’m just sayin’ …

What does your relationship with Jesus mean to you? 
ANSWER:  Everything!  Everything means everything … from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same … He is my All in All … as the song writer wrote the song/lyrics, “I can’t live without you …”

What area have your struggled with most in your walk with Christ
ANSWER:  As a “peoples person” a past struggle was the need to be accepted by people.  Until you are willing to admit and or acknowledge your struggle; note I didn’t say “own it” because it is not ours to own, we bind-up the very presence and power of God that was sent by His Word to set or make us free!  Remember, your past or your present may describe you; but Only God can define you!

What message of hope would you like to share with our reader
ANSWER:  In God, it matters not where you have been or even where you stand at this very moment; what matters most to Him is in which direction you are heading.

If you had a theme life motto, what would it be and why?
ANSWER: “Go hard or go home” … I believe we are to give God our All … Jesus Himself said, in John 9:4 “I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; night comes when no man can work.”
Luke 9:62 …” And Jesus said unto Him, No man, having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom.”

Real Life Spotlight - Andrew Ritchie

                                                             Andrew Ritchie

Preferred Name to be Listed as and State or Country you live in
ANSWER: I feel comfortable with Andrew in the beautiful country of  Scotland

ANSWER: I am 50 years old

When you accepted Christ as your Savior
ANSWER: I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was Sunday Jan 22 2012. I remember our pastor was teaching out of Matthew 22, and the verse that changed my life was verse " For many are called but few are chosen" That day I surrendered this life to the Lord, I could feel his hand on my life that day. The following week something happened that ties into an event in my life where I cursed God. Two years before I was diagnosed with glaucoma and I remember cursing God, when I was diagnosed. The week after I was saved, the glaucoma was gone. Praise God for the healing

Years in and areas of active ministry, past and present
ANSWER:For many years before I turned all my life to the Lord, I was the member of a church choir, since being saved I have lead the service, taught Sunday School, visiting Pastor, and help out in which ever way I can at church.

Favorite scripture and why?
ANSWER: Luke 9:23 "Then He said to them all If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily,and follow Me" It is my favorite because when we pickup our cross, the cross represents our sin and we follow Jesus and lay our sin at his feet. We are dead to the sins of our past and are a new creation in Jesus Christ. When I think of thepain and suffering that Jesus endured and the separation from the Father, it pains me to commit those sins again.

Your Wake Up Call to your Generation:
ANSWER: As one of the babyboomers, the younger generations look to us for wisdom and guidance we need to stand up for Jesus and be soldiers in the Lord's Army

Three things we’d be surprised to know about you:
ANSWER:  I spent 10 years as a truck driver and in that role I met drivers from all over Canada and the U.S.  I was a certified sport diver and have dove several times in Hawaii. I was born in Scotland, moved to Canada at a young age, lived in the U.S. for 2 years and moved back to Scotland.

What are your hobbies outside of ministry?
ANSWER: Part-time Sax player. Learning to play the Bagpipes. Have taken up golf, in the land of golf courses!!, I love to swim and go for walks and of course avid read. Also an author currently rewriting first book and writing a novel.

List some of your past achievements and current projects that you are working on:
ANSWER: Currently I am writing a screenplay for a church documentary on George Matheson. Involved in teaching and a visting pastor. In the near future I will be going to a church in my village where I will teaching, home visits,and one of the leaders, working various outreaches including Fisherman's mission and street pastor

Share your experience in marriage, as the head of your home:
ANSWER: divorce proceedings

What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this Real Life Symposium
ANSWER:  To share our life experiences with each other and all that visit the site, that through that we grow as men of God. Each man has a path but all paths are laid down by God. He has given us the choice to follow that path or not. I pray that this site will show others the joy of walking with Jesus and how our life is complete when are walking with Him. For Him all the glory belongs.

What does your relationship with Jesus mean to you? 
ANSWER: my first thought of the day and my last thought at night is reaching out to the Lord with love and joy. Love because what He does in my life each day, and joy because through Him all things are possible. Last year was an interesting year especially but I remember the day that my dad was taken home the warmth and peace that I felt transcends all understanding. It is that peace and harmony that I want everyone to know and cherish, because it is a gift that never ends

What area have your struggled with most in your walk with Christ
ANSWER: I would say that the one area that I have struggled with the most is selfish pride. It is so easy to put I into the equation. Things like I want, I need, I have. But when we are reborn in the image of the Lord and follow Luke 9:23 we are a new creation. But I still some times struggle with pride, until I remember what Jesus taught me in Ezekiel 17:22 "Thus says the Lord God: “I will take also one of the highest branches of the high cedar and set it out. I will crop off from the topmost of its young twigs a tender one, and will plant it on a high and prominent mountain."  The application that the Holy Spirit revealed to me was that the high cedar was my selfish pride and that by replanting a twig on a high mountian was the Lord starting a new creation in me. And the mountain signifies putting my faith and trust in the ROCK Jesus and He will grow in me and the high cedar will wither away and die.

What message of hope would you like to share with our reader?
ANSWER: The pain I feel knowing that is was my sins that created the nails that crucified our Savior. Knowing that an innocent Man endured the pain that I deserve. Knowing that He is building mansions for all of His children because He loves us so much. Each day is a new creation that we can glorify our living God for every precious gift. We have the hope that one day we will join our King in is heavenly home and spend an eternity in His presesnce.

If you had a theme life motto, what would it be and why?
ANSWER: Child of God; when I am taken home I dont want to be remembered for any books that I have written or any sermons preached or any outreaches that I have been involved in. I just want to be remembered as a child of God

Real Life Spotlight - Ric Truett

                                                             Ric Truett

Preferred Name to be Listed as and State or Country you live in:
ANSWER: Ric - Florida


When you accepted Christ as your Savior:
ANSWER: 1979. Raised in church and knew who Jesus was - even believed He was the Son of God. However, I never had a true heart-felt, life-changing experience until the second Sunday of April 1979. I was saved at Idlewild Baptist Church (before it was a large mega-church)  :)
I was baptized in May of 1979.

Years in and areas of active ministry, past and present
ANSWER: I have been in the singing ministry most of my life. Called to preach in April 1983, and preach my first sermon May 1, 1983. I have served as Senior Pastor, Assistant pastor, Worship Pastor, Board Member, Elder, Teacher, and Youth Pastor. I currently have a counseling ministry. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Ministry and a Master's Degree in Christian Counseling.

Favorite scripture and why?
ANSWER: Proverbs 3:5-6. When my wife and I lost our first child someone gave me a little sympathy card with these verses inside. God spoke peace to me through these versus and I cannot think of any situation in life where they do not apply.

Your Wake Up Call to your Generation
ANSWER: Now I am a senior adult. That is hard to really fathom. My wake up call is that my generation needs to leave a legacy. Leave our mark. We are growing old, and time is short. Whether Christ returns (could be any moment now), or whether we go by way of the grave - what we intend to do for the Lord we better do now!

Three things we’d be surprised to know about you
ANSWER: (1) I am a former alcoholic and drug addict. God saved me from a lifestyle that was leading to either jail or the grave. (2) I am a native Floridian but I love cold, snow, fireplace and jacket whether!  (3) I have written hundreds of songs and play several instruments - but cannot read music at all. I play everything by ear. 

What are your hobbies outside of ministry?
ANSWER:  I collect baseball cards and coffee mugs and have a pretty large collection of each.

List some of your past achievements and current projects that you are working on: 
ANSWER: I have recorded several albums, and am currently working on a new album project. I just finished my first book a few months ago on parenting. My "day job" allows me to reach a lot of people - many of which I have counseled and God has allowed me to minister to.

Share your experience in marriage, as the head of your home:
ANSWER: I have been married to the most wonderful woman in the world now for 36 years. Never been divorced - we were married young. I was 19 and she was 17. God brought us together and our marriage has been wonderful - not perfect...had it's share of bumps and hiccups, but solid and true. The key has been that we work through things together. When we disagree - we let each other cool off and then we come together to resolve.

As a young man with an explosive, hair-trigger temper, I would blow up and needed my space. My wife was loving enough to allow me time to calm down. We both find that apologizing is much easier now than when we were first married. I think with age and time comes a deeper, more meaningful relationship. After 36 years she is not someone that lives WITH me, she is PART OF ME!

What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this Real Life Symposium
ANSWER: As noted above I hope to be a help to someone, maybe younger who is struggling. I hope to leave something behind - handfuls on purpose for those who care to listen.

What does your relationship with Jesus mean to you?
ANSWER: Jesus is the constant in my ever-changing life. He means everything to me. I truly do not know how people survive in this world WITHOUT Him!

What area have your struggled with most in your walk with Christ?
ANSWER: Besides the addictions mentioned earlier, I think I have struggled most with discerning God's direction for my life. Being able to know just where He wants me to be, and go, has given me lots of sleepless nights. I find it a little easier now, but I have so many interests; praise be to God, a few talents in certain areas - that sometimes it has been hard to figure out the BEST way to go.
I can usually find many ways to go, but that BEST way is the key -  the center of His will....where He wants me to be.

What message of hope would you like to share with our reader
ANSWER: Friend do not waste time. It is too precious. It will flee from you in a breath. Figure out what God has called you to do and get after it. Tomorrow is not promised.

If you had a theme life motto, what would it be and why
ANSWER: When people ask me in general conversation and pleasantries "How are you?" I typically answer "It's the best day of my life!" They usually just smile or laugh, but sometimes they ask "Why is that?" That gives me the opportunity to testify and I always tell them "Yesterday is gone - I'll never get it back.  I may not be here tomorrow, so today HAS to be the BEST day of my life! It is the only one I have to work with!"   :)

Real Life Spotlight - David McMillan

                                                      David McMillan

Preferred Name to be Listed as and State or Country you live in:
ANSWER: DavidFlorida


When you accepted Christ as your Savior:
ANSWER: I was saved at the age of 8 at the Christian school I attended. I strayed away from the Lord in my early teenage years but rededicated myself to Him at the age of 18.

Years in and areas of active ministry, past and present
ANSWER: I’ve been in Music Ministry since the age of 15 when I started playing bass in children’s church. From there I went on to be a studio musician, traveled full time with a singing ministry for 4 years and have been a worship leader 15 years. Currently, I am the worship pastor for a 4000 member church in Florida.

Favorite scripture and why?
ANSWER: Philippians 4:13. I look at life as being a journey. I will never “arrive” until I see Jesus. Romans 3:23 is very real in my life showing me that I’m not perfect but Romans 6:23 shows me that God loved me enough to look at me through His Son and not at my sin.

Three things we’d be surprised to know about you:
ANSWER:  I love motorcycles and tattoos!

What are your hobbies outside of ministry
ANSWER: I love to fish, hunt quail and spend gobs of time with my family. I also LOVE to cook!

List some of your past achievements and current projects that you are working on: 
ANSWER: I have been blessed to be able to minister in over half of the United States as well as Germany & France. I have met so many hurting people over the years and I thank God for the talents He’s given me to be able to be an  encouragement to them through music.

Share your experience in marriage, as the head of your home:
ANSWER: I have been married to a wonderful lady for 20 years now. We are a blended family with 2 children from her previous marriage and 2 of our own. It has been a challenge in areas but a blessing also. I was 24 with 2 children and a wife. Going up was instantaneous to say the least!

Real Life Spotlight - Phinehas Kinuthia

                                                 Phinehas Kinuthia

Dr. Phinehas Kinuthia was born and raised in Kenya, Africa. Dr. Phinehas accepted Christ and was spirit filled at an early age. He received the call of God and started preaching at the age of 13. His mandate from God is to ignite passion for self-discovery, help people discover their potential and live on purpose. He believes in a practical gospel that appeals to the spiritual, psychological, social and human needs.

Since 1998, Dr. Phinehas has been pivotal in facilitating church planting in five churches as a team leader implementing training courses for leadership, discipleship and establishing worship ministry and church systems. In May 2010, he and six members planted Global Enlightenment Center currently known as Faith City Church, a Spirit-empowered, multicultural church in Katy, TX.

Dr. Phinehas is a speaker, an educator, mentor, leader, entrepreneur and author of the popular book “From Dreaming to Becoming”. He has been a life student learning through many personal experiences and he addresses critical issues that affect individuals’ spiritual and social development. His compelling story truly embodies his message that anyone can make their dreams a reality. His passion is to help others be more, go farther, and reach higher than they ever thought possible.

Dr. Phinehas Kinuthia has received several awards including being honored as a Goodwill Ambassador of the Golden Rule International Award established in 120 nations of the world. He has also been honored by I Change Nations TM to receive “The Global Leadership Award” for exemplary leadership, an award given in the past to presidents, world leaders and humanitarian. 

Dr. Phinehas Kinuthia has spoken at major events such as the International Pastor’s and Leaders Conference with Bishop TD Jakes. Dr. Phinehas and his wife, Joyce, have been married for nine years and currently live in Katy, Texas, and are proud parents of their daughter, Claire.

Real Life Spotlight - Al Dodson

                                                          Al Dodson

Preferred Name to be Listed as and State or Country you live in:
ANSWER:   " Al  D"

Age: 44

When you accepted Christ as your Savior:
ANSWER: Saved at the age of 13. Rededicated my life at the age of 40 (2010)

Years in and areas of active ministry, past and present:
ANSWER: Media Director 2012 / 2013, Media Servant 2013 – Present. I am currently working with Service Video Directing, Working live camera’s and media presentations.

Favorite scripture and why?
ANSWER: Luke 4:18-19 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
This scripture represents the season I am in right now. Working with the inner city and spreading the gospel to the lost and less fortunate.

Your Wake Up Call to your Generation
ANSWER: Thirties and Early Forties. I would share my testimony and what God has done in my life. I would give positive outlooks to cloudy situations. I would share that God has a plan for your life even if you think you are overlooked and not important.

Three things we’d be surprised to know about you:
1.      I came from a very poor inner city family that was not involved in church and I was never taught about Jesus.
2.      After being blessed and moving to the suburbs, I now focus on bringing the love of Jesus Christ to the neighborhood I grew up in though  benevolence.

What are your hobbies outside of ministry?
ANSWER: I work in the IT field and this has been a passion of mine since the early 90’s. I love cutting edge technology and gadgets. I enjoy all sports. Some would call me a sports nut. I can be caught blabbering about a stat, past player or a certain play. I played football in high school and had a very promising path in life before an injury set me back. My favorite of all is college football.

List some of your past achievements and current projects that you are working on:
ANSWER: Gosh where do I start….
God has blessed everything I have touched through ministry. Share how our church growth in the inner city from fifteen members to over a thousand in just 3 years.
Share all the miracle’s that have occurred in the past few years.
3 month revival where thousands were saved and baptized.
God blessing our ministry by being debt free at both campuses.
The restoration of a broken city.

Share your experience in marriage, as the head of your home:
ANSWER: I was married for over 20 years. Through this season I was away from the Lord. After 10 years there was infidelity in our marriage. I sacrificed by staying together to make sure I was there for my Son. I grew up in a single household and I wasn’t going to put my Son through that experience. After he turned 18 we divorced. I left everything. I wanted a fresh start on life. I rented a cheap rundown apartment and all I had was an air mattress, 2 fold out lawn chairs. After the first month I was laid off at my job. I was alone, unemployed and used all savings. I didn’t know where to turn or what to do. One day I got down on my knees and gave it all over to the Lord. I rededicated my life and asked God if he would get me out of this mess I would forever live for Him and would pay Him back by working in the ministry. A few days passed and an old friend from high school, who I haven’t talked to in over 20 years, contacted me and said that for some reason he needed to tell me about a job. I was blessed beyond measure with an awesome job in IT with a Christian company. My salary doubled and within a few months I was back on my feet. (Much more than what is listed here in my full testimony)

What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this Real Life Symposium
ANSWER: To help mentor young men that are going through some of the same seasons that I have overcame with scripture, life experiences and testimonies.

What does your relationship with Jesus mean to you?
ANSWER: I will forever thank Jesus for everything He has done in my life. I acknowledge I could never have done anything without Him. God has taught me obedience, how to be humble and how God will only give you a little at a time till you earn His trust.

What area have your struggled with most in your walk with Christ?
ANSWER: The question should be what areas have I not struggled with? I will make it short and sweet. I am still an infant with my walk with God and every day seems like a struggle. You see, I am very hard on myself to try to always be in the will of God.

What message of hope would you like to share with our reader
ANSWER: No matter what is going on in your life. No matter what you have been through. No matter what you have done, God loves you and has a plan for your life.

If you had a theme life motto, what would it be and why
ANSWER: “Consistency equals success!” I believe that if you show God you can be trusted and be consistent with your walk, He will open up the window and pour out a blessing that you would never imagine!

Real Life Spotlight - Andy Purvis

                                                      Andy Purvis

Preferred Name to be Listed as and State or Country you live in:
ANSWER: Andy Purvis

ANSWER: sixties

When you accepted Christ as your Savior:
ANSWER: I was baptized and joined the church on May 1, 1977 before I was married.

Years in and areas of active ministry, past and present:
ANSWER: I am an elder and deacon. My grandfather was a travelling minister. I have tutored Boy Scouts for their God and Life Merit Badge. They need that to become an Eagle Scout.

Favorite scripture and why?
ANSWER: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so… We are loved unconditionally.

Your Wake Up Call to your Generation
ANSWER: God conquers evil and if you are blessed to live long enough, you will really begin to understand things.

Three things we’d be surprised to know about you: .
ANSWER: Sports Talk Radio, author, I am a great grandfather.

What are your hobbies outside of ministry?
ANSWER: Sports Radio 20 years. Working on my 8th book. I have been blessed to meet many of my sports heroes and have interviewed many.

List some of your past achievements and current projects that you are working on: 
ANSWER: Just joined the Church Choir- love to sing!

Share your experience in marriage, as the head of your home:
ANSWER: Married 37 years. 2 boys, 4 grandkids, 1 great grandchild.   “Tell the truth!”

What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this Real Life Symposium?
ANSWER: To share that we are all given two gifts in life: awesome potential and freedom of choice. What we do with those gifts defines us.

What does your relationship with Jesus mean to you? 
ANSWER: He is always there. I pray every morning in the quiet. I pray out loud in my car while driving. I attend church, get involved, develop church family.

What area have your struggled with most in your walk with Christ
ANSWER: Struggled with rejection at times because I am overweight. I have learned to forgive in advance.

What message of hope would you like to share with our reader
ANSWER: Whenever you feel down, cheated, taken advantage of…do something nice for someone else. That’s where the magic lies.

If you had a theme life motto, what would it be and why?
ANSWER: So far, so good!